EPILOG 1101 — 20110110 — Stepping on My Own Shadow
An Image-Homage to Steve
Electronic Picture Log

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Images and Text © 1996- 2011 Manuel Freedman, Los Angeles, CA 90064;
and Michele Haar, Kalispell, MT 59901. Music © 2010 LA Philharmonic
Lyric Sheet Translation>>>

Monday, January 10, 2011
How fate loves to jest. A year ago on this date, I picked up the second of two Birds of Paradise that had lain in the spot where I lost my Stanford golf hat the week before. Today in 2011, Steve died in his sleep around eight in the morning.

He is survived by his widow, Cathy, and daughter, Sophie, who is in her first year of college. Steve Wilson was beloved by many people worldwide. An artist and technologist—Willie lectured around the globe and published five coffee table books on the convergence of those two disciplines—my friend saw them as the same endeavour. Of great power and imagination to me is his project to harvest bio-energy. For example, one could use the electricity emitted from one’s own body on a walk to keep a cell phone charged.

I have for many decades had a life’s plan that goes like this: To love and be loved and love what I am doing; to have a happy, youthful longevity; to play with my grandchildren with the same vigorous energy with which I played with my own children.

To my mind, Steve had most if not everything. We were friends for about 55 years. He and I were exactly the same age. I miss him.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
There is nothing to say, so in homage to Steve, and others I miss, I have made the video, linked above.

The music is from one of Vivaldi’s liturgical works. Most people recognize his Four Seasons concerti, so I was blown away by the lyrical beauty of this passage from his Gloria opus. I must go on record, that I have used this music because it is so beautiful that all must enjoy it. It is presented as a gift with no commercial purpose whatsoever.

The photographs are mostly mine. There are three, however, taken by my very dear friend Michele. Please enjoy them as a late Valentine.

Last summer, while walking north at noon, I found myself stepping on my own shadow. I wanted to write this Epilog then, but as you see, life happened in between. The Dalai Lama says that the way to find love is through service to others. I am grateful to love. And I am, if nothing else, a lover of beauty.

The great cellist, Pablo Casals was once asked, if he had the attention of the whole world, what would he do.

He answered: “First, I would say, World, do you really want war? And then with my cello I would play them a sonata by Bach.”

MAX FREEDMAN MEDIA (MFM) ~ maxfmedia@gmail.com